Here you will find our past events from 2020 & 2021.

2 Hour Intro to Kingian Nonviolence | July 15, 2021

On Earth Peace hosted a 2 hour introduction to Kingian Nonviolence. Kingian Nonviolence is an approach to conflict and community leadership that offers values and methods useful for anyone who wants to use conflict constructively in your personal life, in group settings, or in community issues and building a reconciled world.

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Tools for Organizing and Community Leadership: A 3-Part Series on Kingian Nonviolence | July 12-26, 2021

On Earth Peace hosted a 3-week series in July 2021 to explore tools for organizing and community leadership through the values and practices of Kingian Nonviolence Conflict Reconciliation.

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16 Hour Core Kingian Nonviolence Training | June 22 - July 20, 2021

On Earth Peace hosted a 16 hour Kingian Nonviolence core principle training during June and July for a transformational month exploring Dr. King's philosophy and methodology of nonviolence. These workshops have helped thousands of people in various social justice movements, prisons, schools and other communities understand the depth of the philosophy of nonviolence and conflict reconciliation.

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Bill HR2590 Webinar | June 25, 2021

On Earth Peace's Palestine Justice Intern Annabell hosted a one-hour webinar where she discussed HR bill 2590, Defending the Human Rights of Palestinian Children and Families Living Under Israeli Military Occupation Act.

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LGBTQ & Palestine Coffee Hour | June 18, 2021

On Earth Peace's Palestine Justice Intern Annabell, and LGBTQ Justice Intern Kylee hosted a one-hour coffee hour where they will discussed where we can go from here in our fight for LGBTQ Justice in Palestine.

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90 Minute Intro to Kingian Nonviolence | June 15, 2021

On Earth Peace hosted a 90 minute overview of Kingian Nonviolence Conflict Reconciliation. Kingian Nonviolence is an approach to conflict and community leadership that offers values and methods useful for anyone who wants to use conflict constructively in your personal life, in group settings, or in community issues and building a reconciled world.

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San Diego KNV Training | June 5-26, 2021

On Earth Peace helped sponsor Kingian Nonviolence Training in San Diego via Zoom. the leadership of the training came from Sara Haldeman-Scarr, Xeo Sterling, Katie Shaw Thompson, and Dr. Esther Mangzha. Kingian Nonviolence workshops are transformational experiences that have helped thousands of people around the world understand the depth of the philosophy of nonviolence and learn to begin to bring the practices into their lives and their work.

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90 Minute Intro to Kingian Nonviolence | May 15, 2021

On Earth Peace hosted a 90 minute overview of Kingian Nonviolence Conflict Reconciliation. Kingian Nonviolence is an approach to conflict and community leadership that offers values and methods useful for anyone who wants to use conflict constructively in your personal life, in group settings, or in community issues and building a reconciled world.

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OEP-RJ Accountability Meetings | May 5, 2021

On Earth Peace’s Racial Justice Learning Action Community (LAC) hosted a 6-week educational cohort on holding one another accountable when working towards a place for engagement, education, accountability, collaboration, and action among advocates and organizations actively committed to working towards justice for Black, Indigenous, and people of color (BIPOC).

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90 Minute Intro to Kingian Nonviolence | April 15, 2021

On Earth Peace hosted an introductory of Kingian Nonviolence Conflict Reconciliation. Kingian Nonviolence is an approach to conflict and community leadership that offers values and methods useful for anyone who wants to use conflict constructively in your personal life, in group settings, or in community issues and building a reconciled world.

On Earth Peace is also offering these events on a monthly basis, so keep an eye out for one coming up!

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Training for Community-Based Responses to Asylum Issues: A Kingian Nonviolence Approach | April 19,2021

OEP’s Migrant Justice Learning Action Community and the Oasis Center invited individuals and faith groups to attend six biweekly training sessions led by Kathryn LaPointe, director of the Oasis Center. LaPointe guided efforts to actively serve and care for our neighbors seeking asylum using a Kingian Nonviolence approach. Each 90-minute session focused on addressing the violence of the U.S. immigration system and accompanying asylum seekers through the lens of a Kingian Nonviolence principle.

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OEP Community Meetup #12 - Resurrection Peacemaking | April 2, 2021

On Earth Peaced hosted the first Community meetup of 2021. The theme for this Good Friday event was Resurrection Peacemaking. We were joined by Cliff Kindy, author of the Resurrection Peacemaking: Plowsharing the Tools of War--Thirty Years with Christian Peacemaker Teams (2020, Resource Publications, purchase here)


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Healing Resistance with Kazu Haga | March 31, 2021

On Earth Peace co-hosted an event with East Point Peace Academy and the Kingian Nonviolence Network to discuss practical dialogues on the intersections of peacebuilding, social justice, and democracy through the Horizons project, an initiative of the PartnersGlobal Institute and Humanity United


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Healing Resistance Book Club | March 1 - April 5, 2021

On Earth Peace hosted a book club discussing Kazu Haga's book "Healing Resistance" on Mondays from March 1st through April 5th

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Palestine + Environmental Justice coffee hour Collab | March 26, 2021

On Earth Peace's Palestine Justice and Environmental Justice interns hosted a casual coffee hour to discuss where we can go from here in our fight for Palestine Justice on Friday, March 26th

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Love Has No Borders: True Stories of Desperation | March 20 & 21, 2021

On Earth Peace’s Migrant Justice Learning Action Community held a two-part virtual event featuring a presentation from Phyllis Yvonne Dodd on her recent book and a woman seeking asylum will share her story to provide hope and to help others who have also experienced sexual abuse and domestic violence on Saturday, March 20th and Sunday March, 21st.

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Gender & LGBTQ+ Justice Discussion Hour | March 3, 2021

On Earth Peace's Gender Justice and LGBTQ+ Justice interns held a casual coffee hour on Wednesday, March 3rd at 4:30pm EST to discussion questions prepared to reflect on our collective LGBTQ+ and Gender Justice journeys

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Coffee Hour with Migrant Justice and LGBTQ+ Justice | February 27, 2021

On Earth Peace’s Migrant and LGBTQ+ Justice interns held a casual coffee hour on Saturday, February 27 at 3:00 PM (PST)/6:00 PM (EST) to build community and reflect on LGBTQ+ migration. 

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Community-Based Responses to Asylum Issues | January 23 & 25, 2021

OEP’s Migrant Justice Learning Action Community and Kathryn LaPointe, director of the Oasis Center led a conversation surrounding community support models as well as discussed opportunities to cultivate a diverse network of care for those seeking asylum.

There were two 75 minute session on January 23rd and January 25th, 2021

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On Earth Peace Racial Justice Meet-Up | December 15, 2020


We looked both backward and forward to reflect on ourselves as racial justice advocates. How has this year changed you in your advocacy? What has changed for you and will never be the same?  How do you hope to move forward - within your own community and as part of this Learning Action Community?  As part of this call, we will give a preview of plans for regular Racial Justice organizing/accountability meetings in 2020. 

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Meet the Author: "Sadie's Silence" | November 17, 2020

On Earth Peace was excited and honored to host author Libby Layne to discuss her newly released book "Sadie's Silence" as the first stop on her online book tour. This event took place on November 17th, 2020.

book cover


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Mike Yarrow Peace Fellowship - "Post-Election NV Strategies and Tactics" | November 15, 2020

The Mike Yarrow Peace Fellowship (MYPF) and the Western Washington Fellowship of Reconciliation invited On Earth Peace's Matt Guynn to speak on November 15 about nonviolence tactics & strategies in the post-election period. 


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OEP Book Group: Drew Hart’s Who Will Be A Witness? | November 11, 2020

On Earth Peace hosted a book group for the Drew Hart book Who Will Be A Witness? Igniting Activism for God’s Justice, Love, and Deliverance. These sessions were facilitated by OEP’s Racial Justice Organizers Tamera Shaw and Grace Cook-Huffman. The session dates were Oct. 21st and 28th & Nov. 4th and 11th


Womaen's Caucus: Kingian Nonviolence Workshop | November 10, 2020

On Earth Peace was invited by the Church of the Brethren Womaen's Caucus to facilitate an introductory webinar on Kingian Nonviolence on November 10. 

This workshop took place Tuesday, November 10th at 7:30 ET/ 4:30 PT and was a 90 minute session.

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OEP COVID Meetup #11 - Preparing for Chaos

This OEP Community Meetup focused on how people of faith can prepare for the potential of post-election chaos. We discussed how people who are committed to justice and peace can personally prepare for possible violence, confusion and chaos that may happen on election day. 

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“Every Day is Peace Day” | October 15, 2020

How did you (or your congregation) participate in Peace Day this year? In this session, participants shared and heard about Peace Day observances in 2020, and then explored ideas for how congregations can work for peace and justice, even in virtual settings. 

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OEP Community Meetup #10 - Disruption | September 4, 2020

Our lives have certainly been disrupted by COVID. The continued agitation of Black Lives Matter protests in the US are keeping open a window. One way to look at this window is that - whether or not we are out in the streets - it’s our job to disrupt the institutions we touch, using the lift of the daily news cycle to ask forbidden questions and make visionary requests. Disruption does not have to mean destruction—it can be the catalyst for reinvention or renewal.

This meetup was inspired by Martin Luther King, Jr.’s sermon, “When Peace Becomes Obnoxious,” and by Principle #4 of Kingian Nonviolence, “Accept suffering for the sake of the cause to achieve the goal.”

File:Black Lives Matter, Washington National Cathedral, 10June2020.jpg

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Intersectionality Community Conversation | August 25, 2020

OEP's Learning Action Community Interns held a conversation about intersectionality. They discussed how intersectionality relates to current events and took the time to connect the OEP justice community.

Intersectionality Community Conversation

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Immigration Detention Center Conversation | August 18 & 25, 2020

Interns held a two-part conversation on immigrant detention facilities and connected them to the criminal justice system. Living in tight prison-like conditions and being separated from loved ones is not uncommon for those who end up making the journey to the USA border. Given the COVID-19 pandemic spread, the immigration detention system is important to discuss

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OEP Community Meetup #9 - Reading the Signs of the Times | August 7, 2020

This #OEPCommunity Meetup focused on Reading the Signs of the Times. Participants spent time sharing and built collective wisdom about the moment we are living in: the forces of oppression and liberations at play in the world today and our role in it. 

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Raising Race Conscious Kids | Four Part Series Every Thursday July 23, 2020 to August 13,2020

OEP is held a four-week webinar series on how to raise race conscious kids. Topics included how parents and teachers can address race, the myth of color-blindness, the role of racial scripts, and the future of racial justice.

The book "Raising White Kids: Bringing Up Children In A Racially Unjust America" by Jennifer Harvey guided these discussions. 


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Nonviolence Webinar: Christian Peacemaker Teams & On Earth Peace | July 23, 2020

This webinar was co-sponsored by Christian Peacemaker Teams and On Earth Peace. The session explored the interconnections between being a practitioner of active nonviolence and undoing oppression. 

Participants were be able to reflect on their own experiences with these two topics. They also were able to hear additional stories and perspectives on nonviolence and undoing oppression. 


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In this session participants explored MLK's 3rd Principle of Nonviolence: "Attack forces of evil, not persons doing evil," while learning what it looks like to attach conditions, policies and practices. 
Participants will also reflected the victories happening in our day and reflected on them through the lens of this third principle. 

“Human indignation about conditions was the focus of Dr. King’s energy and attention. Personalities are not the problem; what must be changed are the conditions under which some people operate.” --David Jehnsen and Bernard LaFayette, Jr.


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2020 Song and Story Fest | July 5-11 

This event would have taken place at Camp Brethren Heights. It moved online during to COVID-19. Visit what happened at the virtual event here. 


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OEP Community Meetup #7 - "The Beloved Community is the framework for the future" | July 3, 2020

This check-in focused on Principle Two of Kingian Nonviolence: "The Beloved Community is the framework for the future." This check in, along with the other OEP meetup's were created as a series of events for people to attend as they stayed home during COVID-19. 


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OEP Community Meetup #6 - Nonviolence is a Way of Life for Courageous People | June 19, 2020

This OEP Meetup was focused on the first principle of Kingian Nonviolence. Participants explored the courage required to grow their use of nonviolence - which is a positive force utilizing the righteous indignation and spiritual, emotional, and intellectual capabilities of people as a vital force for change. 


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OEP Community Meetup #5 - Anti-Racism/ Anti-Oppression | June, 5 2020 

This meetup was created to build the Beloved Community with those in OEP's constituency of peace and justice practitioners. Participants gained insight on engaging racism and oppression through tools and lenses that OEP uses. Among other things, the session compared and contrasted "white institutional values," and "transforming institutional values."

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This 4th #OEPCommunity COVID-19 check-in was a time to connect with others in OEP’s constituencies and to build #BelovedCommunity as we shelter in place.

This session was built around On Earth Peace’s core value of Jesus-Centered Spirituality:

“We follow Jesus into the work of justice and peace. We share in spiritual practices and develop faith resources to help undergird our programs.”

Jesus brought and worked for liberation and healing for all people. The spirituality that Jesus modeled and taught provided a footing for challenging both oppression and violence.


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Kingian Nonviolence Community of Practice Meeting: Indignation Into Action | May 21, 2020

COVID-19 has not only caused a pandemic across the world, it has also brought to the surface feelings of anxiety, fear, mistrust and anger. Anger can be easily directed towards people in political position and those within our community. As organizers, activists, and nonviolent practitioners how do we give ourselves the space needed to honor and feel those feelings without unleashing it on the people around us?

Starting by honoring those feelings prepares us to channel our indignation into powerful nonviolent organizing. The third principle of MLK’s philosophy of nonviolence is to “Attack Forces of Evil, not Persons Doing Evil.” This principle guides us in remembering “Nonviolence Seeks to Defeat Injustice, Not People.” 


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Dunker Punks Podcast TalkBack: "Praying Through a Pandemic" | May 13, 2020

Our partner Dunker Punks Podcast held its first-ever talkback. "TalkBack" with Dana Cassell during her powerful "Praying Through A Pandemic" episode.

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OEP Community Meetup #3: "Positive Peace," vs. "Negative Peace," in the time of a Pandemic | May 8, 2020 

This event is was the third in a series of special online gatherings for On Earth Peace members and friends to join together to build Beloved Community as we "shelter in place" in this time of pandemic. This session focused on another one of OEP's core values -- positive peace.

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OEP Community Meetup #2: Intergenerational Leadership in the time of a Pandemic | April 24, 2020

This event was the second in a series of special online gatherings for On Earth Peace members and friends to join together to build community and consider our callings as we "sheltered in place". The session focused on one of OEP's core values -- intergenerational leadership.

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OEP Community Meetup #1: Turn "Social Distancing" into "Beloved Community" in a time of COVID-19 |March 27, 2020

This event was created as a time for participants to listen, share and support each other. All joined to discuss what we are doing to nurture the "beloved community" in a time of physical separation and fear. 

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Peace and Justice Education in the time of COVID-19 | March 25, 27 and April 1, 2020

These events introduced learning activities you can do with youth and children, another was a community gathering that gave people the opportunity to share their experiences during the pandemic and the last taught Kingian Nonviolence. 

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Peace Day 2019 | September 21, 2019

On Earth Peace invited churches, justice-seekers, and peacebuilders to pray for peace and justice together on International Peace Day - September 21, 2019.

The theme for 2019 was "The Case for Peace." We invited participants to use Peace Day as a time to understand the case for peace from the perspective of the Christian faith.  

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