OEP Meetup #2: Intergenerational Leadership in a Time of Pandemic

This event is #2 in a series of special online gatherings for On Earth Peace members and friends to join together to build community and consider our callings as we "shelter in place" in this time of pandemic. This session focuses on one of OEP's core values -- intergenerational leadership.


The COVID-19 pandemic has revealed deep structural issues of poverty, racism, sexism, and class.

What perspectives do different generations offer on this moment, and what do you have to say about the kinds of leadership we need now for justice and peace? We want to hear from youth, young adults, middle-aged, and elders -- and you all to hear one another.

Join us at this 2nd OEP online meetup. We promise to make you feel at home!

Email us about other workshops or activities you need. We have many!