Join this next OEP meetup, 8th in a series of events as people stay home due to COVID-19. Meet new and returning friends as we build community, commitment, and capacity.
Image Credit: Shokoohamvaj Partian
Explore MLK’s 3rd Principle of Nonviolence: “Attack forces of evil, not persons doing evil.”
We sometimes explain this as: “Nonviolence seeks to defeat injustice, not people.”
- What does it look like to attack conditions, policies, and practices?
- Where do you see this happening today?
We will take time to see and celebrate victories happening in our day, and reflect on them through the lens of this principle.
“Human indignation about conditions was the focus of Dr. King’s energy and attention. Personalities are not the problem; what must be changed are the conditions under which some people operate.” --David Jehnsen and Bernard LaFayette, Jr.
When is the event?
Friday, July 17, 2020 at 03:00 PM
Online - Zoom
Matt Guynn ·