On Earth Peace focuses on helping people, groups, and communities work with the discipline of "Kingian Nonviolence Conflict Reconciliation" to bring about personal and societal change.
We work mostly with students and young adults, online communities of peace and justice minded individuals, and churches who see justice and peace as central to their calling and ministry.
Kingian Nonviolence
Kingian Nonviolence is a philosophy and methodology -- with knowledge, skills, and motivation people can use to apply peaceful strategies for solving personal and community problems.
On Earth Peace offers a range of trainings and consultations -- in person and online -- beginning with 1-hour introductions to dozens of Kingian Nonviolence concepts and techniques, and extending all the way to the standard 2-day core workshop with all the Kingian Nonviolence modules.
Youth and Young Adult
While we work with all kinds of individuals, institutions, and groups, our OEP staff and community have special experience in working with children, youth, and young adults.
We have a thriving paid internship program where college age leaders -- whether or not they are in college, and college students of any age -- can develop lifelong commitment, capacity, and community for working for justice and peace, no matter their ultimate vocation.
We also have community engagement grants for youth groups to apply for up to $500 in funding to support a youth-initiated project for peace and justice in your local community. This program also provides learning webinars in nonviolence, leadership, and anti-racism/anti-oppression.
Also, OEP has created a program to provide homeschooling resources related to justice and peace. Visit our #ReadAloud Program page to learn more and view videos and blogs for young people.
Online Communities
Individual OEP members also work together through mutual training and accompaniment on a growing range of peace and justice concerns.
OEP also is the national sponsor of the Stop Recruiting Kids Campaign, a national partner in the Poor People's Campaign, and a member of several coalitions working for justice and peace.
Churches & Projects
We also continue to offer a wider range of services to Church of the Brethren congregations that we have historically provided to help with their unique commitments for justice and peace.
OEP also serves as fiscal sponsor for affiliated peace and justice projects that do not have their own tax-exempt status. Contact us to ask about this for your project.
If you have a passion for building justice and peace, we can help you succeed in your work.