OEP Community Check-In #4: Jesus-Centered Spirituality for Justice & Peace
This 4th #OEPCommunity COVID-19 check-in is a time to connect with others in OEP’s constituencies and to build #BelovedCommunity as we shelter in place.
Image Credit: Joann Lee Kim. Used with permission.
This session will be built around On Earth Peace’s core value of Jesus-Centered Spirituality:
“We follow Jesus into the work of justice and peace. We share in spiritual practices and develop faith resources to help undergird our programs.”
Jesus brought and worked for liberation and healing for all people. The spirituality that Jesus modeled and taught provided a footing for challenging both oppression and violence.
What are some elements and touchstones of this spirituality? What spiritual practices do you use or long for? What resources do you need to help you stay grounded, vital and creative in these times?