... in whichever ways you choose:

  1. To make a one-time donation to OEP, click here.
  2. To join the #DoveClub with a sustaining monthly donation to OEP, click here.
  3. To join the #ChangeForPeace program and round up the change from your debit/credit card purchases as donations to OEP, click here.
  4. To join our Legacy Society with a planned gift to OEP through your will or living trust, contact [email protected]

#DoveClub Sustaining Monthly Donors

Investing in justice and peace takes planning and stability for the work to have a sustainable impact. Our community needs to know the financial resources we can expect to work with each year.

In the nonprofit world, organizations rely heavily on year-end giving to fund their work. This results in uncertainty and scarcity, leaving your generosity in the dark until after the year has passed.

The work of justice and peace needs to move forward in a responsible spirit of abundance, holding your generosity in the light. Then, we can reflect this abundance and generosity in our work.

Join #DoveClub as a sustaining monthly donor.

Why Support OEP?

People need community to help each other work together for justice and peace.

Here are just a few stories of how On Earth Peace provides such community.

  • "I've developed confidence and courage around speaking out about social justice issues. This has impacted our leadership team meetings, our worship team meetings, and my preaching. I have a clearer vision of how to lead my church forward by challenging white privilege a little more openly than I have been."

    ~ Jennifer S., Church of the Brethren pastor, Kingian Nonviolence training participant

  • "The OEP internship program allows students the ability and flexibility to put into practice their gifts, talents, and passions. I found it to be very helpful in finding my own niche and strengths, as well as my weaknesses. I learned so much from revising the Matthew 18 Workshop. It will be knowledge that I will always hold on to and it will continually be a reminder to not simply repeat the words of Jesus, but, more importantly, to embody them."

    ~ Melanee H., OEP Intern - Ministry of Reconciliation Workshop Administration

  • Giving monthly helps me to be sure that On Earth Peace can stay focused on its mission—working with the church and others to bring justice and peace into our world.”

    ~ Alfred N., Long-time OEP donor, Church of the Brethren member

  • "For a historically white organization to admit the way that racism and white privilege affects how it operates is a risky, bold, and courageous move. For a Christian organization to confess its racism and white privilege is the way of Jesus. For a peace and justice organization working to eliminate racism and whiteness within the organization is the only way to do its work with integrity. It has been an honor to work for On Earth Peace on their journey towards becoming an anti-racist/anti-oppressive organization. I am proud of the organization's commitment and the very hard and vulnerable learning that we engage in together."

    ~ Marie R., OEP staff member - Youth & Young Adult Ministry

  • "I see Jesus moving in our midst. He has stood up in the neighborhood—the inner city, the reservation, the abandoned rural town—and is showing us how to resist and transform and build, through the power of nonviolent action, organizing, movement building, and prayer. And so, I follow, and bring others."

    ~ Bill S., OEP executive director, on his visit to Standing Rock

Join #DoveClub as a sustaining monthly donor.

Who Can Join?

Anyone who is able to give $5.00 or more each month can become an OEP #DoveClub sustaining monthly donor. This is comparable to someone who has been giving $50.00 or more a year.

You can have your gift charged automatically to your credit or debit card (or even your bank account) each month. Or, you can choose to send monthly checks with your amount.

If you cannot afford to donate, you still can become a #DoveClub member by bringing in other people or org.anizations as monthly sustaining donors. To help spread the word, click here.

Join #DoveClub as a sustaining monthly donor.

Check back after we build our #DoveClub store later this year, to see some "thank you" gift items.