What Does it Mean to Be an Active LGBTQ+ Ally?
Welcome to all friends, family, neighbors and allies of the LGBTQ community! On Earth Peace invites you to a community engaging event, "What Does it Mean to Be an Active LGBTQ+ Ally?"! This event is directed to non- LGBTQ community members to ask respectful questions and seek more knowledge about the community they are allied with. This is intended to be a safe and growing space, desired for new and learning LGBTQ aligned individuals to learn more and make connections.
This introductory event will be hosted by Wren Evans, On Earth Peace's LGBTQ Justice Organizer, Skylar Rella, Art Fellow for On Earth Peace as well as Gabe Padilla, an active leader within his Church of the Brethren community. In this event, your hosts will cover topics on sexual orientation, gender identity, and proper use of pronouns. Join us and tell us your motivations for allyship!