On Earth Peace is developing worship and study resources for a 2023 Lenten series, “Open Our Eyes, Lord.” The series is designed for predominantly white congregations who want to explore the intersection of faith and race. Lead author Rosanna McFadden of Creekside Church of the Brethren (Elkhart, IN) shares, “Through the lectionary texts and confessional season of Lent, we hope to see Jesus through the eyes of the other, and the other through the eyes of Jesus.” John 9:1-41 will be a primary story for the resources.

The series will explore how opening our eyes to Jesus leads us to ask questions about race and racism in our lives and communities. Weekly worship resources will be provided with permission for congregations to use and adapt. Resources will include a primary scripture text, a sermon prompt, a responsive call to worship, a unison opening prayer, a prayer of confession or lament, and suggestions for music based on scripture readings or related themes. On Earth Peace is creating digital/video presentations with study questions for guided discussion to use during Sunday School, or other gatherings to continue discussion from the worship services. The resources will also include book suggestions for small group study during Lent. Marie Benner-Rhoades from On Earth Peace reflects, “Lent is an exceptional season in the liturgical calendar that focuses on confession and lament, ending with the passion and compassion of Christ.” Join On Earth Peace and others from across the denomination to deepen our discipleship by reflecting on race and racism.

On Thursday, February 9, 1-3pm Eastern, Rosanna and OEP staff will facilitate a Lenten Series Preview. Participants will worship together using the resources, review the complete resource, and build community with others who will be working with this theme during Lent 2023. We hope to form a community of leaders who can support each other while working on these challenging issues in their congregations. Worship resources and the preview session will be provided free of charge. There will be a donation requested for the supplementary educational resources.

When is the event?

Thursday, February 09, 2023 at 01:00 PM


Matt Guynn ·

32 RSVPs

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    • Cynthia Sanders
      rsvped 2023-01-26 14:42:24 -0500
    • Anna Lisa Gross
      rsvped 2023-01-25 16:52:45 -0500
    • Carolyn Lindquist
      rsvped 2023-01-23 17:32:49 -0500
    • Steven Crain
      rsvped 2023-01-17 13:24:18 -0500
    • Mark Cripe
      rsvped 2023-01-14 11:25:22 -0500
    • Sharon Williams
      rsvped 2023-01-14 09:31:53 -0500
    • David Whitten
      rsvped +2 2023-01-14 08:58:21 -0500
    • Marie Benner-Rhoades
      rsvped 2023-01-12 09:33:55 -0500
    • Matthew Guynn
      rsvped 2023-01-09 15:29:31 -0500
    • Samhar Almomani Kingian Nonviolence Organizer
      published this page in Event old 2023-01-09 14:22:15 -0500