"Gift Economics" for KNV Training
Use this page to make a donation through OEP to support the fall 2020 Kingian Nonviolence Certification through the "Gift Economics" process.
The Certification cohort will handle the cost of the program collectively using gift economics. There will not be a specific price that anyone must pay. After understanding the financial outlay necessary to undergird the program, the group will work together to cover those costs as completely as possible.
On Earth Peace is learning this practice from our partners at East Point Peace Academy. You can learn about the approach on their website here: https://www.eastpointpeace.org/gifteconomics.
Support the Work
All donations are anonymous within the cohort. We will provide updates on giving progress in every class session.
On Earth Peace serves as fiscal sponsor for the KNV Network and Kingian Nonviolence Coordinating Committee.