An Afternoon of Love, Peace, Unity, and Inclusion

In response to a KKK-affiliated rally in Dayton, Ohio on Memorial Day weekend, the local NAACP organized a family-friendly alternative event to affirm positive values and vision for the community. The outdoor event was held at McIntosh Park, about a mile from the courthouse where the KKK group was gathering....

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Reversing the Narrative: A Beginning

At this moment, immediately after landing in Paris from Tel Aviv, all I can see is Israel's fear and discrimination of a people and a language indigenous to the same land they occupy.

This is my final blog post, post-trip. Distinguishing how I feel inside Israel...

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Reversing the Narrative: Determination

My last blog post was about a week ago and for good reason. In between my time at Hebron and now, I have done a lot of mental processing. Thinking about my actions of what I want to do after this trip...

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Reversing the Narrative: Addameer, Sabeel, & Christian Peacemaker Teams

When I last left you, I was fresh from a meeting with Wi’am. I felt quite hopeful. Now, I feel hardened, like iron being refined in a fire, until I emerge in a changed state--not beautiful but more resilient.

“See, I have...

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Reversing the Narrative: Walls, Water, & Wi'am

My last blog post painted a slightly grim picture: me, stuck in Bethlehem with no luggage and no visa and destined to wear three shirts for the next twenty days. Now, I have +1 shirt, thanks to haggling in the Old City...

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Reversing the Narrative: Interfaith Encounter Association & My Bad Luck

For this blog post, I’m going to divide my experience of the last four days into the good, the bad, and the ugly. It's been quite a ride, even now.

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Reversing the Narrative: Nonviolence in Palestine

Israeli West Bank Barrier by Motecruz Foto licensed by CC 2.0, edited by Courtney Hawkins

Today, I travel to Palestine. This is a sentence I’d never thought I’d write; it was always a pipe dream, but I’m realizing what seems far is as close...

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