Seeing Jesus in the Movement for Migrant Justice

“For the Lord your God...loves the strangers, providing them food and clothing. You shall also love the stranger, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt."

- Deuteronomy 10:18-19

Photo courtesy of the BBC website.

Horrific detention center conditions, individuals dying at sea, and the overall treacherous journey endured by migrants and refugees are images displayed worldwide through social media and the news. Immigration in terms of illegal migrants and refugees fleeing persecution have been on the rise as a result of civil unrest and economic downturns. Families are currently escaping violence and persecution as a result of gangs, domestic abuse, government policies, and other forms of corruption. Yet, how is it that we can see Jesus in all of these happenings?

Jesus constantly helped his fellow brothers and sisters, no matter the situation. In times of hardship, we often look towards God to provide us with the light and solution to our problems. At some point, we will all experience a test from the Lord. It is our moral duty as fellow citizens to lend a hand to those in times of need as Jesus did long ago. But, how can we help others in their time of need?

It may seem difficult to consider ways one can help with the influx of migrants and refugees, but simple human kindness can go a long way. We can serve as allies to those seeking refuge by contacting our government representatives and holding them accountable for more accepting immigration policies. Holding vigils and town hall meetings are methods of helping vulnerable populations. Welcome kits that contain school and coloring supplies, clothes, and toiletries are another way to provide assistance to some of the individuals living through these hardships.

The world is becoming increasingly xenophobic. Let us provide love, concern, and human kinship to those who seek solace in foreign lands despite the risk. By demonstrating acceptance to other children of the Lord, we will no longer be strangers in the land of God.

By Arielys Liriano, Immigration Justice Organizing Intern

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