Join us on select Saturdays at 12:00PM ET/9:00AM PT/7:00PM Palestine/5:00PM GMT via zoom for On Earth Performers Drama Club! Come to one or all!* Dates include:
- October 22nd
- October 29th*
- November 12th*
- November 19th*
- December 3rd*
- December 10th (Final Showcase)*
For children ages 6-11! The sessions will be one hour long and in English, but interpreters are welcome to join!
We will be playing lots of different drama games, doing arts and crafts, character building, and script writing to make a final showcase in December, which friends and family are welcome to join!
The children will have the opportunity to make friends with other children all around the world exploring topics of social justice, peace, identity, friendship and many more!
The sessions are facilitated by Simi Gill, our Children's Peace Formation Organizer who has an extensive background in Children's Development and Drama and Theater! She has currently finished studying a Masters in Applied Theater as well as working at Little Angel Theater in London, United Kingdom, who create puppetry theater for young children and their families.
Do not worry if your child/children have missed the first/any sessions they are still more than welcome to join! If they wish to participate in the final showcase on December 10th we would ask that they attend from the October 29th session.
We hope to see your On Earth Performers there!
*To participate in the final performance, it is expected that children have attended from the October 29th, November and December sessions.
When is the event?
Saturday, October 22, 2022 at 12:00 PM
New Windsor, MD 21776
United States
Google map and directions
Simi Gill ·
2 people have RSVP’d
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Diana Grace Petty rsvped 2022-10-18 10:56:52 -0400
Shalom & Rachel Black rsvped 2022-10-02 19:51:08 -0400