Building Community: Meet Horace Huse

Written by Jessia Avila, On Earth Peace’s Migrant Justice Organizer Intern

As I was transitioning into my role as On Earth Peace’s Migrant Justice Organizer, I received a kind and supportive email from Horace Huse, who provided a snippet of his life story. This email was not only an entrance into Huse’s diverse experiences and commitment to migrant justice, but it was also an invitation to build community. It illustrates how genuine curiosity can foster meaningful engagement, and it reaffirms how storytelling can bring people together. Horace Huse granted me permission to share parts of his story, and I have done so below to grant others the opportunity to connect with and learn more about fellow On Earth Peace supporters:

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March 17 PeaceBuilder Highlights

OEP's Highlights from between March 3rd and March 17th are as follows:

  • OEP’s Easter Resources are now available!
  • Kharis Murphy completed her internship as Stop Recruiting Kids Organizer.
  • Shayla Certain completed her internship as Prison Justice Organizer.
  • Tiffany Byers completed her term as Communications Fellow.  Previously, Tiffany served as Social Media Organizer.  We thank Tiffany for her two years of service with On Earth Peace.
  • Our executive director Bill Scheurer represented OEP at an online community meetup of the Fellowship of Reconciliation, the monthly steering committee meeting of the National Network Opposing the Militarization of Youth, and the spring meeting of the Church of the Brethren Mission and Ministry Board.
  • On March 12, Matt Guynn spoke via zoom about nonviolence for a personal and social ethics course at McPherson College (McPherson, KS). 
  • The OEP-Racial Justice Accountability Cohort had its second meeting on March 10, facilitated by Radiah Shabazz, Tamera Shaw, and Matt Guynn. The group of Quakers and Brethren has members from Nebraska, Virginia, Illinois, West Virginia, and Pennsylvania.  
  • On March 11, Matt Guynn was interviewed about nonviolence and the work of On Earth Peace by Jason Derr, United Campus Ministries minister with Common Ground Campus Ministry, a program of the University of Wisconsin - La Crosse, Viterbo University, and Western Technical College, in a recorded program for students.
  • The second meeting of the Healing Resistance Book Club was on Monday, March 15. If you’d like to join our third meeting to get to know each other and discuss Kingian Nonviolence, join us at 7 pm EST on March 31st!

Women in Peace and Nonviolence Work

Picture from

Written by Annabell Knapp, OEP’s Palestine Justice Organizer


Often when we think of peaceful leaders who practiced nonviolence, we think about individuals such as Nelson Mandela and Dr.King, and while the work of these individuals has been massively important, this immediate jump to men leaves out the important work of women in the field. Women have been essential to peace work and have helped to create a more peaceful society. In honor of Women’s History Month, I want to highlight important women in the peace work field and what they have done for the greater global society. 

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Women’s History Month: Recognizing the Suffering and Honoring the Contributions of Cisgender and Transgender Women in Migrant Justice

Written by Jessia Avila, On Earth Peace’s Migrant Justice Organizer Intern

Women’s History Month invites us to recognize the suffering and honor the contributions of cisgender and transgender women. It is a time when both hope and despair collide. The words that follow explore the painful journey of transgender women seeking protection and the stories of two transgender women who lead and serve with dignity. Women’s History Month both reveals painful truths that go unnoticed and celebrates inspiring women, and we invite you to continue this conversation in an upcoming virtual event hosted by On Earth Peace’s Migrant Justice Learning Action Community.

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Resurrection Peacemaking: 2021 Easter Prayer Resource


[Credit: Jyoti Sahi, Resurrection (Risen Lord, from a tribal Tryptich, 2007 Collection of the artist.]

[Source for image above]

Welcome to On Earth Peace’s 2021 Easter prayer and worship resource. You are invited to set aside time to engage this material with your mind, spirit, and body - to go away for a while as Jesus so often did. Take time to breathe, wait in silence, and allow these prayers to infuse and work in you.  Some elements may transfer well for congregational worship. Please email us at [email protected] to let us know how this prayer resource impacted you or your community.  

This page includes passages from Cliff Kindy’s book, Resurrection Peacemaking: Plowsharing the Tools of War: Thirty Years with Christian Peacemaker Teams and quotes from conversations with Cliff. Used with permission.  

Please join us on Good Friday (April 2, 2021) for an OEP Community Meetup with Cliff Kindy on the theme of Resurrection Peacemaking. Click here to RSVP!


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