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Standing with People of Color (SWPOC) Announces a Four-hour, 7-prompt workshop


Once registration has closed, sign up here to indicate your interest in a future offering, or contact us at [email protected]

This training will take place in the Fall of 2024.

On Saturday, November 23rd

(1-5 pm Eastern/12noon-4pm Central/11am-3pm Mountain/10am-2pm Pacific time)

We invite you to experience and participate in a workshop designed to enable you to share, listen to, and process your feelings and observations about racial justice and racism in your own life and in our lives as Brethren. Using the 7 Prompts format designed by members of the Standing with People of Color coordinating committee, participants will be working all together as a group and also in triads—all online on Zoom. We welcome Young Adults (YA) through Seniors eager to learn and grow as followers of Jesus.


We all have different backgrounds and experiences. Some of us feel punched in the gut every day. Some of us live in all-white communities and wish there was more diversity in our lives. Some of us grew up with some bad experiences but were able to leave them in the past. Some of us didn't have any idea that racism still existed until something shocking happened in the news, or some harm came to someone we personally know. Some of us love exploring new cultures and cuisines and want to meet new friends. Some of us feel that white people are sometimes excluded as well. All of us want to be accepted for who we are. Racism has impacted all of us in some way.


If any of this resonates with you, please consider signing up. Here's what to expect:

  • We will gather on Zoom.
  • First we will remind ourselves how profoundly helpful it is to listen to each other.
  • We'll teach you one listening skill (micro-paraphrasing) to use during the breakout sessions.
  • We'll open our hearts to God in prayer.
  • We'll go through a series of 7 Prompts in small groups of three people—everyone gets a turn to talk, and two turns to deeply listen.
  • Between these 7 prompts, we'll have a chance to share briefly with the larger group.
  • After the session, we'd like you to fill out a feedback form so we can keep improving the whole experience. Your participation will enrich our life together!


We hope you will join us!


NOTE: We also hope to offer specific workshops for youth and Young Adults soon. Stay tuned!

Crucial Christian Conversations: Standing with People of Color 

A central part of our invitation to the church is to participate in conversations using seven discussion prompts.  We are asking the entire Church of the Brethren to engage in conversations in various settings in the next year, using the questions below. We hope the church will share together around the family table, in Sunday School or other congregational settings, in districts, and in other Brethren agencies and venues.

Please print and use the linked handout, which includes the 7 prompts as well as BELOVED conversation guidelines here.

"7 Prompts" 

  1. Share your family’s origin story. Go back as many generations as you know and start there. Briefly share some of your family history/tree up to your current family.
  2. Share a compelling memory of when you became aware of cultural, racial, or color differences.
  3. Share the message Jesus has for you or us about justice and racism. What does Jesus want you to hear or see? What does Jesus call you or us to do next?
  4. If you listen to Jesus’ call, what spiritual healing or personal growth might you have to do?
  5. If you are a white/dominant culture Brethren, how can you support/stand with people of color (POC)? If you are a POC, what does it mean for you to stand with other people of color?
  6. Imagine if things were different and there were more racial justice. What do you envision?
  7. What are you willing to sacrifice to achieve that goal?

Contact us at [email protected] with any questions. 


Once registration has closed, sign up here to indicate your interest in a future offering, or contact us at Stan[email protected].

When is the event?

Saturday, November 23, 2024 at 01:00 PM

10 RSVPs

Linda Fry Steve Stone Susan Smith SheilaMarie Tobbe Samantha Griffin Patricia Connolly Harriet Koscho Bruce Rosenberger Barbara Daté Nubwa Josiah

10 people have RSVP’d
Linda Fry
Steve Stone
Susan Smith
SheilaMarie Tobbe
Samantha Griffin
Patricia Connolly
Harriet Koscho
Bruce Rosenberger
Barbara Daté
Nubwa Josiah

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    • Linda Fry
      rsvped 2024-11-16 14:05:23 -0500
    • Steve Stone
      rsvped 2024-11-14 17:31:44 -0500
    • Susan Smith
      rsvped 2024-11-14 09:44:21 -0500
    • SheilaMarie Tobbe
      rsvped 2024-11-01 13:21:07 -0400
    • Samantha Griffin
      rsvped 2024-10-26 14:49:58 -0400
    • Patricia Connolly
      rsvped 2024-10-19 20:40:08 -0400
    • Harriet Koscho
      rsvped 2024-10-14 12:30:31 -0400
    • Bruce Rosenberger
      rsvped 2024-09-30 17:06:39 -0400
    • Barbara Daté
      rsvped 2024-09-30 15:14:30 -0400
    • Nubwa Josiah
      rsvped 2024-09-30 00:05:14 -0400