The On Earth Peace Board of Directors held its spring board meetings on April 13-15 celebrating the faithful leadership of the interim executive staff, fellows, and interns as well as an ever deepening commitment to becoming an anti-racist organization.
In February of 2023, the Board of Directors reorganized and called Tamera Shaw and Jennifer K. Scarr to serve as co-chairs for the next two years. Irv Heishman was called to chair the resource management committee while Doug Richard was called to chair the board governance committee. These four board members along with interim co-executive director Marie Benner-Rhoades form the Executive Committee which is planning a much needed dive into our organization’s policies in the next year.
The board created two new volunteer position descriptions for secretary and treasurer and approved bylaw changes to reflect the new updated functions of these two roles. In addition to these changes, the board received excellent reports and financial training from our resource management committee.
Continuing to develop and navigate a new staffing model, the board passed a proposal to formally ask our staff members to continue in their interim co-executive director roles for up to three years. This leadership model is in alignment with anti-oppression values as we move in a less hierarchical leadership direction. As a part of this proposal, the board and staff will continue with open conversations around pay scale and workload.
The staff has continued to prioritize development initiatives to strengthen the capacity of the organization. Included in fundraising efforts, the three-year pledge campaign had a goal of reaching $195,000 by April 1. To date, the pledges are currently at $117,000. We invite you to make three-year pledge to support our work by filling out this form.
During the Fall 2022 Board meeting, the board passed a proposal to institutionalize Kingian Nonviolence, requiring all board members to receive a 16-hour core training. During this spring board meeting, the KNV Fellow, Haya Saleh and interim co-executuvie director Matt Guynn led a conversation about the process for board members to receive this training.
The spring meetings concluded with notes of celebration and creativity. It was a joy to set aside some time to celebrate the tenures of our devoted staff: Darlene Johnson (22 years), Matt Guynn (20 years), and Marie Benner-Rhoades (15 years.) Many good memories and affirmations were shared for these beloved people.
During one of our team building activites, new board member Jessie Houff, and OEP intern Anesu Makufa edited together a poem written by the board answering the question, “What are we doing here?” We are delighted to share it with you as a conclusion to this report.
What are we doing here?
We’ve been learning to LOVE
Learning to purposely seek peace through presence.
Present by giving of ourselves,
Our ‘selves’ support those working for justice.
Just as we move through our pain
Loving says, “learn to create beauty from it”
What are we doing here?
We’ve been learning to LISTEN
Learning to seek justice by accompanying our communities
to be aware of Anti-racism and Anti-Oppression
Learning to seek justice by being committed to finding-space,
Listening says “learn to Make Space”
What are we doing here?
We’ve been learning to DREAM
learning to slow down, enjoy, and connect.
We’re practicing goodness!
by building power for non-violent change
Dreaming says
“Let us venture into the unknown…
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