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Church of the Brethren Standing with People of Color - Organizing Meeting 

The Church of the Brethren Annual Conference called for a three-year denominational process to move toward more vibrant and effective solidarity with communities of color. You are invited to join the efforts of the Standing With People of Color Study/Action process by attending an online meeting on November 6 or 18 to get connected and find role to play in our efforts.  

The initial planning committee is reaching out across the denomination seeking volunteers and helpers to bring this process to life. We need many kinds of assistance - networkers, facilitators, interviewers, writers, and people to pray. 

On Monday, November 6 at 7:30 pm Eastern (6:30 Central/5:30 Mountain/4:30 Pacific), we will meet via Zoom in a live session to help plug people into roles, creating a web of leaders at local, district and denominational levels. 

Some of you have already let us know about roles you are interested in. We are still looking for people to fill roles such as



  • Help reach out to involve more people in this process
  • Help organize the network of CoB racial justice advocates
  • Children & youth engagement
  • Pray or join a prayer team for this effort



  • Lead or support discussions using 7 prompts in your congregation, district or family
  • Team up to lead educational events in my congregation or district - location-based or online
  • Curate Biblical educational resources
  • Develop annotated bibliography to help meet different needs



  • Let us know that you are already involved in taking action for racial justice
  • Take steps to get your congregation or district involved
  • Take steps to get involved in racial justice concerns in your local community
  • Interview people who are already taking action and write up their stories



  • Join the SWPOC committee to help develop this project
  • Serve on a working subcommittee for SWPOC
  • Newsletter support
  • Website support
  • Database maintenance


Join us as we get ourselves organized for the next phase of the work!


Use this form to share your specific interest (if you have not already).


RSVP on this page if you can make it, and to receive the connection link or join us for our session on November 18. Click here to learn more about our November 18 session. 


Contact us at [email protected] with any questions.  

When is the event?

Monday, November 06, 2023 at 07:30 PM

33 RSVPs

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    • Sydney Goldsborough
      published this page in Event old 2023-10-13 19:42:31 -0400